Friday, July 29, 2011

Hi from My Precious Pupils!

A Heart Like Yours

Yesterday, one of our pupils, Pumulo, walked up to me during break, handed me a blank piece of paper and said, “Write ‘Ms. McKenzie.’” So, I did. Then, with a smile she said, “Write ‘Thank you for the biscuits.’” I smiled and chuckled at the thought that I was writing my own thank you note. “And, write ‘Thank you for the books.’” I smiled again, but this time with a heart filled to the brim with joy. Her gratitude was evident. Finally, she asked, “Write ‘I love you.’”

Pumulo then went on to copy her thoughts, in the form of my writing, onto another piece of paper. I have received many cards from these children, but this was one hit in me in an unexpected way. It was specific and it expressed to me more than just her gratitude, but I also felt God smiling down on us. It was a very profound moment that I cannot seem to put into words that would make sense. Then, in a very quick motion, without second-motion, she also presented me with a small notebook and barrette. Tears filled my eyes. She has so little and yet here she was quick to give away her belongings and express gratitude for that which she’s been given. Her beautiful smile will be forever etched in my mind.

Father, give me a heart like Pumulo – quick to be full of gratitude and quick to give my prized possessions to others.

Who knew that all it takes sometimes is a peanut-butter cookie and used library books. I have found that God’s love is humble. I came here hoping to make some sort of big impact, but didn’t realize my everyday, small, mundane actions would provide so much to the lives of these students. It points back to my Savior’s life – he came from humble beginnings, lived a humble life and died the most humble of deaths. “He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him.” (Isaiah 53:2b)

Father, give me a heart like yours – one that desires to not bring glory to himself but to the name of the Lord. Grow in me a love like yours – one that is shown daily in modest ways.


As I observe the impact of the broken and neglected relationships of my students with their parents, I find myself becoming increasingly aware of how quickly I have taken my parents for granted, both their presence and their love for me.

I have a father. I have a father who loves me - who seeks to provide for my daily needs, as well as my future dreams. I have a father who is present and active. I have a father who touches my life with gentle care, never with anger or rage. I have a father who protects me and cannot sleep without the knowledge that I am safe. I have a father who is ALWAYS there for me. I love my Daddy!

I have a mother. I have a mother who cares for my health, for my big and small aches. I have a mother who has been a teacher to me, in life and in academics. I have a mother who lends a listening ear when I don’t even know I need one. I have a mother who comforts. I have a mother who gives without expecting anything in return. I have happiness in my mother. I love my Mom!