Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Tears Filled My Eyes

Tears filled my eyes today as one of my pupils, Albina, walked up to me and whispered, "I will never forget you."

I tried my best to be strong in front of them, but the truth is I miss them already. I cannot help but wonder what each of them will become one day, what struggles they will face. I shall pray for them daily - pleading for God to be the Lord of their life. Even if I was here with them, God is the only one to sustain them and bring them joy in life. I must trust His work will continue even as I leave. I have only been called for a short time, but God is alive and active everywhere, always.

Lord, continue to fill my mind with the knowledge of your great love for those who love you. Continue to place a desire in me to please you. Father, fill my heart with a joy that is not circumstantial, but one that lasts through all situations because my greatest need has already been met. Fill me with faith in you, Lord. I am feeling weak and I need you all the more right now.

1 comment:

  1. My Sweet...God has begun a good work in them by sending them you and Bonnie. He will not forget them!
    Love you...Gram "L"
